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Chapter History 



ORGANIZATION AFFILIATION:               STARFLEET, The International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc  Region 7


MOTHERSHIP:                                          U.S.S. CHALLENGER NCC-1676-D (Admiral Bob Vosseller, Commanding)

                                                                   7 May 2006 – 17 February 2007


SHUTTLE LAUNCH DATE:                       7 May 2006


CHAPTER COMMISSIONING DATE:       17 February 2007




CHAPTER ADDRESS:                               Lake Grove, New York


COMMANDING OFFICER:                       Admiral Wayne L. Augustson (7 May 2006 - )


EXECUTIVE OFFICERS:                           Lieutenant Commander Jericho D. Flint (7 May 2006 - 29 November 2006)

                                                                   Commander Brett J. Wuest (29 November 2006 - 4 June 2008)

                                                                   Fleet Captain Mark Van Houten (4 June 2008 - 4 October 2015)

                                                                   Commander Richard Johnston (4 October 2015 – 26 January 2018)

                                                                   Captain Debra Kummer (26 January 2018 - )










May               On 7 May, Shuttle Britannic is launched in Region 7 of STARFLEET, The International Star Trek Fan Association,Inc.

                      The chapter’s mothership is U.S.S. Challenger. Chapter President is Wayne L. Augustson and the Vice-President is                                       Jericho D. Flint. The other three ‘founding members’ are Ray Sexton, Jr., Meri Bushey and Amanda Augustson. On                                        the day of launch, Mark Van Houten is assigned to the chapter.


                      Brett J. Wuest and Chalk Xells are assigned to the chapter.


                      An informal online chapter meeting is held on 27 May. Regular face-to-face meetings will commence in June and                                          be held on the fourth Saturday of each month.


                      Ray Sexton, Jr. is appointed Chapter Treasurer.


June              The first chapter event is a BBQ hosted by a local independent chapter, U.S.S. Relentless.


                      The first face-to-face chapter meeting is held on 24 June. Dinner at Smokey Bones follows.


July               Chris Trent is assigned to the chapter.


                      Shuttle Britannic attends its first convention (Shore Leave 28) as a chapter on 7-9 July. Chapter fliers are                                                        distributed.


                      The first issue of the chapter newsletter, Ready Room Readings, is published.


August          Wayne L. Augustson represents the chapter at the STARFLEET International Conference 2006 in Philadelphia, PA.


October        Joseph Manjarrez becomes the tenth paid member of Shuttle Britannic.


November    Due to personal reasons, Jericho D. Flint steps down as chapter Vice-President. He is replaced by Brett J. Wuest..








January      The chapter’s first annual awards go to: Raymond K. Sexton, Jr. (Officer of the Year), Chris Trent (NCO of the Year), the                                  Command Department (Department of the Year) and Wayne L. Augustson (Most Starfleet Academy  Courses Passed

                    During the Year).


February     On 17 February, Shuttle Britannic is commissioned as a chapter at the Farpoint convention during the Region 7 meeting,                              thus becoming U.S.S. Britannic. The chapter also receives a Perfect Reporting award for filing MSRs (Monthly Status Reports)                      on-time during a twelve-month period.


March         U.S.S. Britannic’s first recruitment opportunity as a commissioned chapter occurs at the I-Con 26 convention at Stony

                    Brook University. The chapter spearheads the ‘return’ of Region 7 to this convention, operating a recruitment table.

                    U.S.S. Britannic is the only SFI chapter in attendance (with the exception of two Region 7 members who also attended).


                    Mike Plunkett is assigned to the chapter.


April            Bruce Petersen is assigned to the chapter.


May             Jericho Flint and Chalk Xells transfer to Region 7 Unassigned.


June           Perdo Calves is assigned to the chapter.


                   Captain Wayne L. Augustson is appointed the Region 7 Chief of Staff by Regional Coordinator Vice Admiral Joe                                             Hoolihan.


July             At the Region 7 meeting during Shore Leave 29, U.S.S. Britannic is presented the 2006 Region 7 Shakedown                                                Chapter of the Year award.


September  Jericho Flint and Chalk Xells return to the chapter.


                    Under the command of Jericho Flint, the STARFLEET Marines group- 707th Marine Strike Group “Shooting Stars”         

                    is formed within the chapter.


October      James Bamert is assigned to the chapter.






January        Maurice Evans, Kristie Manjarrez and Leila Manjarrez are assigned to the chapter.


                     The chapter’s second annual awards go to Mark Van Houten (Officer of the Year), Chris Trent (NCO of the Year), the                                     Command Department (Department of the Year) and Wayne L. Augustson (Most Starfleet Academy Courses Passed                                     During the Year).


February       U.S.S. Britannic receives its second Perfect Reporting award for filing MSRs (Monthly Status Reports) on-time  during a                                  twelve-month period.


                      U.S.S. Britannic celebrates its first anniversary as a commissioned chapter.


March           Mark Van Houten wins the 2007 Region 7 Officer of the Year award.


April              Bruce Petersen and Pedro Calves leave the chapter and SFI.


June              Mark Van Houten replaces Brett J. Wuest as chapter Vice-President.


                      Jericho Flint leaves the chapter and SFI. The 707th MSG “Shooting Stars” is officially deactivated.


                      Several Members attend the STARFLEET International Conference 2008 in Ithaca, NY. Wayne L. Augustson is             

                      promoted to Fleet Captain and Brett J. Wuest is promoted to Captain. The chapter receives a Seventh Fleet                                                  Achievement Award and Wayne L. Augustson is awarded a Seventh Fleet Commendation.


July               At Shore Leave 30, the Starfleet Marine Corps awards the chapter a Naval Unit Citation and Wayne L.                                                              Augustson the Naval Achievement Citation.


                      On 13 July, Wayne L. Augustson becomes the Region 7 Coordinator after winning the regional election. Robert                                              Vosseller will serve as the Vice Region Coordinator.


August          On 15 August, founding member Raymond K. Sexton, Jr. passes away in his sleep. Chapter participation in his                                                funeral soon follows.


                      On 18 August, a runabout bearing Ray’s name is added to the chapter’s support craft listing.


                      Keith and Joshua Shikowitz and Karen Cannella are assigned to the chapter.


                      Mark Van Houten is appointed Chapter Treasurer.


October        James Bamert leaves the chapter and STARFLEET.







January        Meri Bushey and Maurice Evans leave the chapter and STARFLEET.


                     The chapter’s third annual awards go to Raymond K. Sexton (Officer of the Year) (posthumously), Mike Plunkett                                             (NCO of the Year), the Command Department (Department of the Year) and Wayne L. Augustson (Most Starfleet                                             Academy Courses Passed During the Year).


                     On 23 January, member Michael Plunkett passes away. Chapter members attend his wake. A runabout bearing                                             Mike’s name will soon be added to the chapter’s support craft listing.


February      U.S.S. Britannic becomes Support Ship to the newly-launched U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln, under the command of                                               Keith Shikowitz. Both he and his son Joshua transfer to that chapter.


                     U.S.S. Britannic receives its third Perfect Reporting award for filing MSRs (Monthly Status Reports) on-time  during a                                       twelve-month period.


                      U.S.S. Britannic celebrates its second anniversary as a commissioned chapter.


March           Elizabeth Augustson is assigned to the chapter.


April              Wayne L. Augustson is appointed the 7th Brigade’s 5th Battalion Officer in Charge for the STARFLEET Marine Corps.


May               Fred Kummer is assigned to the chapter.


                      The 737th Marine Strike Group “Fly By Nights” is activated by the STARFLEET Marine Corps.


                      The chapter staffs a recruitment table at the Cradle of Aviation Museum in Garden City for the premier weekend             

                      of the new Star Trek movie.


June              William Adams is assigned to the chapter.


July                At Shore Leave 31, Wayne L. Augustson wins the 2008 Region 7 Commanding Officer of the Year award, Ray                                                 Sexton, Jr. wins the 2008 Region 7 Officer of the Year award (posthumously) and Mike Plunkett wins the 2008                                               Region 7 Enlisted Member of the Year award (posthumously).


                       Corydon Allegue is assigned to the chapter.


August           Wayne L. Augustson and Mark Van Houten represent the chapter at the STARFLEET International Conference                 

                       2009 in Greensboro, NC. Wayne L. Augustson also represents Region 7 as Regional Coordinator during the Executive                                 Committee / Admiralty Board (ECAB) meeting.


September    Pedro Calves returns to STARFLEET and is assigned to the chapter.


November     On 14 November, U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln is commissioned. Support Ship U.S.S. Britannic is in attendance.

                       The commissioning ceremony is officiated by Wayne L. Augustson.


                       William Adams leaves the chapter and STARFLEET.








January         The chapter’s fourth annual awards go to Mark Van Houten (Officer of the Year), Fred Kummer (NCO of the Year),

                       the Ship Services (Department of the Year) and Wayne L. Augustson (Most Starfleet Academy Courses Passed                                               During the Year).


February       U.S.S. Britannic receives its fourth Perfect Reporting award for filing MSRs (Monthly Status Reports) on-time during                                        a twelve-month period.


                      Mark Van Houten is promoted to Captain and Wayne L. Augustson is promoted to Commodore.


                      U.S.S. Britannic celebrates its third anniversary as a commissioned chapter.


March           John Cannella is assigned to the chapter.


May               Debra Kummer is assigned to the chapter.


June              Marilee Worrell and John, April and Mark Toledo join the chapter.


July               At Shore Leave 32, U.S.S. Britannic wins the 2009 Region 7 Support Ship of the Year award.


                      Wayne L. Augustson begins his second term as the Region 7 Coordinator after winning the regional election in        

                      June. Robert Vosseller will continue to serve as the Vice Region Coordinator.


                      Corydon Allegue leaves the chapter and STARFLEET.


September   U.S.S. Britannic is represented at the Region 7 Command Summit.


                      Pedro Calves leaves the chapter and STARFLEET.


October        Mark Alvarez is assigned to the chapter.


November    Kelvin Ortiz is assigned to the chapter.








January        The chapter’s fifth annual awards go to John Kern (NCO of the Year) and the Command Department                                                                (Department of the Year).


                      John Kern is appointed Chapter Treasurer.


                      Gabriel Manjarrez is assigned to the chapter.


                      Hector Figueroa is assigned to the chapter.


February       U.S.S. Britannic receives its fifth Perfect Reporting award for filing MSRs (Monthly Status Reports) on-time                 

                      during a twelve-month period.


                      U.S.S. Britannic celebrates its fourth anniversary as a commissioned chapter.


                      Rik Fairchild is assigned to the chapter.


March           Karen and John Cannella leave the chapter and STARFLEET.


April              Jason Greller is assigned to the chapter.


May              Matt Gubernick, Lauren Davis and Christine Wuest are assigned to the chapter.


                     John, April and Mark Toledo leave the chapter and STARFLEET.


July              At Shore Leave 33, Wayne L. Augustson receives the following awards from the Starfleet Marine Corps: the                                                   Naval Achievement Citation, Sword of Valor and the Brigade Achievement Award. The 737th MSG receives the                                             following Streamer Awards: Battalion OIC 2010, Activity 2010 and Reporting 2010.


August         Wayne L. Augustson and Mark Van Houten represent the chapter at the STARFLEET International Conference                 

                     2011 in Pocono Manor, PA. Wayne L. Augustson also represents Region 7 as Regional Coordinator during the                                                 Executive Committee / Admiralty Board (ECAB) meeting. U.S.S. Britannic is in charge of security during the                                                     conference weekend. Wayne L. Augustson is the Vice-Chair of Operations / Security. Wayne L. Augustson is also                                         promoted to Rear Admiral during the conference. At the end of the conference, Wayne L. Augustson is awarded              

                     the Grankite Order of Tactics (Second Class) and Mark Van Houten is awarded the Order of Samaritan (Second                                             Class) for their work during IC 2011.


                     Mark Van Houten is reappointed Chapter Treasurer.


October       Mindy Mosher and Richard Johnston are assigned to the chapter.


                     Mark Alvarez leaves the chapter and STARFLEET.


November   U.S.S. Britannic is represented at the second Region 7 Command Summit.


                     Robert Mosher is assigned to the chapter.


                     Kelvin Ortiz leaves the chapter and STARFLEET.








January       The chapter’s sixth annual awards go to Hector Figueroa (Officer of the Year), Matt Gubernik (NCO of the Year),                                             the Helm Department (Department of the Year) and Rik Fairchild (Most Starfleet Academy Courses Passed                                                     During the Year).


                    Jim Reetz is assigned to the chapter.


                    Hector Figueroa is named the new editor of the chapter newsletter Ready Room Readings.


February     U.S.S. Britannic receives its sixth Perfect Reporting award for filing MSRs (Monthly Status Reports) on-time                                                      during a twelve-month period.


                    U.S.S. Britannic celebrates its fifth anniversary as a commissioned chapter.


                    Robert Bryant is assigned to the chapter.


March         The chapter celebrates its fifth anniversary with a dinner at Famous Dave’s BBQ. Guests include members of                                                  U.S.S. Challenger, U.S.S. Avenger and U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln.


April            Hector Figueroa resigns from the chapter.


May             Lauren Davis leaves the chapter and STARFLEET.


                    Ready Room Readings is suspended until further notice.


July             Wayne L. Augustson begins his third term as the Region 7 Coordinator after winning the recent regional election.                                          Robert Vosseller will continue to serve as the Vice Region Coordinator.


August        At Shore Leave 34, Wayne L. Augustson wins the 2011 Region 7 Staff Member of the Year award. He also                                                        receives the following awards from the Starfleet Marine Corps: the Naval Achievement Citation, Sword of Valor and                                      the Brigade Achievement Award.


                    Wayne L. Augustson begins his third term as the Region 7 Coordinator after winning the regional election. Robert                                          Vosseller will continue to serve as the Vice Region Coordinator.


                    Christopher Reid is assigned to the chapter.


October      U.S.S. Britannic is represented at the 2012 Region 7 Conference held in New Jersey.


December   After a four year absence, the chapter newsletter Ready Room Readings is once again published.








January      The chapter’s seventh annual awards go to John Kern (Officer of the Year), the Engineering Department                                                          (Department of the Year) and Debra Kummer (Most Starfleet Academy Courses Passed During the Year).


                    Robert and Mindy Mosher leave the chapter and STARFLEET.

                    Jim Reetz leaves the chapter and STARFLEET.


February     Nicholas Bryant is assigned to the chapter.


                    U.S.S. Britannic receives its seventh Perfect Reporting award for filing MSRs (Monthly Status Reports) on-time                                                during a twelve-month period.


                    U.S.S. Britannic celebrates its sixth anniversary as a commissioned chapter.


                    Rik Fairchild leaves the chapter and STARFLEET.


April            Michele Vera is assigned to the chapter.


                   Amanda Augustson leaves the chapter and STARFLEET.


                   Jason Greller leaves the chapter and STARFLEET.


August       At Shore Leave 35, Wayne L. Augustson wins the 2012 Region 7 Edgar Torres Memorial Commanding Officer of the Year                             award. He also receives the following awards: Seventh Fleet Commendation and from U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln, a Helping                             Hands award. From the Starfleet Marine Corps, Wayne L. Augustson was awarded: the Leader’s Commendation and Brigade                       Achievement Award. The 737th MSG receives the following Streamer Awards: Battalion OIC 2012 and Reporting 2012. The                         5th Battalion is awarded a Streamer Award for Reporting 2012.


                   It is announced during Shore Leave 35 that Wayne L. Augustson had won STARFLEET’s 2012 Commanding Officer of the                             Year Award.


                   Christopher Reid leaves the chapter and STARFLEET.


November  U.S.S. Britannic is represented at the 2013 Region 7 Conference held in Maryland. The chapter hosts Fleet Admiral Dave                              Blaser, the Commander, STARFLEET, and his wife for the conference weekend.








January      At the 2014 Formation Meeting, it was decided by the chapter membership to choose a new charity to donate to: Cup of Joe.


                   The chapter’s eighth annual awards go to Debra Kummer (Officer of the Year), the Command Department         (Department                         of the Year) and Debra Kummer (Most Starfleet Academy Courses Passed During the Year).


                   Michele Vera leaves the chapter and STARFLEET.


February    U.S.S. Britannic celebrates its seventh anniversary as a commissioned chapter.


                   Nicholas Bryant leaves the chapter and STARFLEET.


March        The Manjarrez family (Joseph, Kristie, Leila and Gabriel) leaves the chapter and STARFLEET.


                   Wayne L. Augustson is promoted to Vice Admiral.


April           Christina, Louise and Erin Johnston are assigned to the chapter.


May            Ready Room Readings is once again suspended until further notice.


                   Matthew Gubernick leaves the chapter and STARFLEET.


June           U.S.S. Britannic appears at a new convention and mans a recruitment table at Eternal Con II in Garden City.


                   Brett and Christine Wuest leave the chapter and STARFLEET.


July            Wayne L. Augustson begins his fourth term as the Region 7 Coordinator after winning the recent regional election. Robert                           Vosseller will continue to serve as the Vice Region Coordinator.


                   Susan Raizer is assigned to the chapter.


August       At Shore Leave 36, Wayne L. Augustson is awarded a Seventh Fleet Achievement Award and U.S.S. Britannic receives its                           eighth Perfect Reporting award for filing MSRs (Monthly Status Reports) on-time during a twelve-month period.


                   It was announced at the STARFLEET International Conference 2014 that Wayne L. Augustson was awarded the STARFLEET                         Cross by the Commander, STARFLEET, Fleet Admiral Wayne Lee Killough, Jr. Also, U.S.S. Britannic was awarded the Not                             “Next Tuesday” Award by Operations for filing MSRs (Monthly Status Reports) on-time during a twelve-month period.


September Craig Poore is assigned to the chapter.


October     U.S.S. Britannic is represented at the 2014 Region 7 Conference held in Binghamton, NY.


December  Rich Johnston is named Second Officer and will also be Acting Executive Officer as Mark Van Houten’s time is monopolized                        by personal business.









January         The chapter’s ninth annual awards go to Mark Van Houten (Officer of the Year) and the Engineering Department                                           (Department of the Year).


                      Sue and Jeffrey Michel are assigned to the chapter.


                      Hector Figueroa returns to STARFLEET and the chapter.


February       U.S.S. Britannic receives its ninth Perfect Reporting award for filing MSRs (Monthly Status Reports) on-time during a twelve-                          month period.


                      U.S.S. Britannic celebrates its eighth anniversary as a commissioned chapter.


March           An Away Team of Wayne L. Augustson, Hector Figueroa and Luke Schnitzer attend U.S.S. Challenger’s annual Intergalactic                          Food Festival, braving a winter storm on the way home. The Away Team arrives home safely…


                      At the monthly chapter meeting, it was decided to make the COPD Foundation the chapter’s official charity in memory of                            Leonard Nimoy.


April              Luke Owen Schnitzer is assigned to the chapter as U.S.S. Britannic’s first ‘official’ cadet.


May               Region 7 announces the winners of the 2014 Region 7 Annual Awards and Wayne L. Augustson wins the 2014 Region 7                                Flag Officer of the Year award.


June              U.S.S. Britannic mans a successful recruitment table at Eternal Con III in Garden City.


                      Jonathan Shafsky is assigned to the chapter.


July               Susan Raizer leaves the chapter and STARFLEET.


August          Jon Silhavey is assigned to the chapter.


October        U.S.S. Britannic was represented at the 2015 Region 7 Conference held in Maryland.


                      Rich Johnston officially becomes U.S.S. Britannic’s new Executive Officer, replacing Mark Van Houten, who has been                                    reassigned to ‘Embarked Staff’.


November    Sue and Jeffrey Michel leave the chapter and STARFLEET.








January        The chapter’s tenth annual awards go to John Kern (Officer of the Year), the Operations Department (Department of the                                Year) and Craig Poore (Most Starfleet Academy Courses Passed During the Year).


                     U.S.S. Britannic began the celebration of Star Trek’s 50th anniversary with a chapter dinner after the monthly meeting.


February      During the Farpoint convention, U.S.S. Britannic receives its tenth Perfect Reporting award for filing MSRs (Monthly Status                           Reports) on-time during a twelve-month period.


                     U.S.S. Britannic celebrates its ninth anniversary as a commissioned chapter.


March          For the first time since the chapter was founded, U.S.S. Britannic’s monthly meeting will be held at the home of chapter                                 members and NOT the home of Wayne L. Augustson.


April             U.S.S. Britannic runs a one-day recruitment table at a new convention, Long Island Geek Convention. The event is                                         successful enough that the chapter wishes to participate at future conventions, should there be any.


May              Michael Franchi, Jr, is assigned to the chapter.


June             U.S.S. Britannic mans a successful recruitment table at Eternal Con IV in Garden City. Saturday evening after the convention,                       the chapter hosts a dinner at Famous Dave’s with independent chapter U.S.S. Iwo Jima.


                     Vito Gaudino is assigned to the chapter.


                     Jonathan Shafsky leaves the chapter and STARFLEET.


July              Wayne L. Augustson begins his fifth term as the Region 7 Coordinator after winning the recent regional election. Robert                               Vosseller will continue to serve as the Vice Region Coordinator.


August         Jon Silhavey leaves the chapter and STARFLEET.


October       U.S.S. Britannic was well-represented at the 2016 Region 7 Conference held in New Jersey.


November    Wayne L. Augustson is promoted to Admiral.


                      Katherine Regina is assigned to the chapter.


December    On 25 December, member, plank-owner and former Executive Officer Mark Van Houten passes away. A runabout bearing                          Mark’s name will soon be dedicated in his memory and added to the chapter’s support craft listing.








January        The chapter’s eleventh annual awards go to Deb Kummer (Officer of the Year), the 737th Marine Strike Group (Department                          of  the Year) and Rich Johnston (Most Starfleet Academy Courses Passed During the Year).


                      Elizabeth Figueroa, Joseph Figueroa and Theresa Figueroa are assigned to the chapter.


February       During the Farpoint convention, U.S.S. Britannic receives its eleventh Perfect Reporting award for filing MSRs (Monthly                                  Status Reports) on-time during a twelve-month period.


                      U.S.S. Britannic celebrates its tenth anniversary as a commissioned chapter.


March           U.S.S. Britannic successfully mans a recruitment table and runs seven panels at the returning I-Con convention.


April              The 737th Marine Strike Group has officially been removed from the STARFLEET Marine Corps but will remain a department                        aboard U.S.S. Britannic with no special reporting procedures or chain of command.


                      U.S.S. Britannic returns to the Long Island Geek Convention to run a recruitment table. The recruitment table opens a local                          news segment covering the convention.


May               Bill Bouknight and David Kadan are assigned to the chapter.


June              Vito Gaudino leaves the chapter and STARFLEET.


                      Stephanie Bouknight is assigned to the chapter.


July               At Shore Leave 39, U.S.S. Britannic wins the 2016 Region 7 Chapter of the Year award and Debra Kummer wins the 2016                            Region 7 Officer of the Year award.


                      The chapter hosts the 1st Annual U.S.S. Britannic Golf Classic and Craig Poore is the winner of the annual miniature                                       golf outing.


August          Region 7 and U.S.S. Britannic are represented by Wayne L. Augustson at the STARFLEET International Conference 2017                              in New Orleans, Louisiana.


                      Debbie French is assigned to the chapter.


September    The 737th Marine Strike Group has been reactivated and is once again part of the STARFLEET Marine Corps. As before,                               it is a department aboard U.S.S. Britannic and will comply with SFMC policies and procedures.


                       U.S.S. Britannic agrees to become a Support Ship for a new chapter forming east of Pittsburgh, Pa. Members will join                                   Britannic over the next month or and will launch when they are ready.


October         U.S.S. Britannic is-represented at the 2017 Region 7 Conference held in New Jersey.


November     It is decided at the monthly chapter meeting to change the chapter charity for 2018 to relief for Puerto Rico. The charity                               is also the charity of Region 7.







January         Arthur Brace is assigned to the chapter.


                      The chapter’s twelfth annual awards go to Mike Franchi, Jr. (Officer of the Year), the Science Department (Department of                               the Year) and Debra Kummer (Most Starfleet Academy Courses Passed During the Year).


                      On 26 January, Debra Kummer officially becomes U.S.S. Britannic’s new Executive Officer, replacing Richard Johnston,                                who has been reassigned to ‘Embarked Staff’.


February       Phil Schreiber is assigned to the chapter.


                      During the Farpoint convention, U.S.S. Britannic receives its twelfth Perfect Reporting award for filing MSRs (Monthly Status                          Reports) on-time during a twelve-month period.


                      U.S.S. Britannic celebrates its eleventh anniversary as a commissioned chapter.


March           U.S.S. Britannic becomes Support Ship to the newly-launched U.S.S. Venture, under the command of Nelson Lowes Jr.                                He and members of the new chapter transfer from Britannic.

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